Our Embedded Capacity Register (ECR) contains information on all generation, storage and flexible demand assets which are either already connected, or accepted to connect to the Northern Powergrid network. This information is updated by the 10th working day of each month and provides visibility to our stakeholders on distributed generation.
Within this dataset, users can find the point of connection, voltage, capacity, connection status, generation type, flexibility information and dates for acceptances and connections.
This part of our ECR is for assets which have an installed capacity of 1MW or greater. The other half of our ECR can be found below.
If you are unsure of any of the column meanings, please hover over the column heading for a description.
Related datasets and pages
Embedded Capacity Register <1MW - The other half of our ECR, containing assets with a capacity greater than 50kW and less than 1MW.
National Embedded Capacity Register - At NPg we also combine the ECR's of all England, Scotland and Welsh DNOs to produce a national view of embedded generation.
Small Scale Generation <50kW - If you are after information on smaller scale generation, this dataset aggerates our smaller generators to Primary substation level.
Embedded Capacity Register Page - If you wish to find out more about our ECR, our ECR page will provide further details including some FAQ's and examples of how the data is being used.
NPg Generation Dashboard - Our generation dashboard uses data from our ECR to provide a more visual story on the scale of distributed generation on the NPg network.
Glossary of terms
Our Glossary dataset provides definitions for various terms and acronyms found throughout our data. If the term you are searching for isn't in our list, please let us know via our Open Data team and we will get it added!
Data Governance
If you wish to view the data triage document for any dataset, they can be found in our Data Triage Assessment dataset.
This dataset does NOT require a login to view
Any data caveats for the dataset are listed below
- None